Wednesday, July 7, 2010


Well, sorry for not updating in so long. I've been really busy (honest). My scape goat is that Eric Ludy hasn't updated his blog in even longer, so I feel justified.
God has been moving powerfully on this campus. In my own life, I'm being challenged beyond belief into areas in which I am uncomfortable. Praying for more than just 5 minutes, and on top of that, fighting for specific requests, not just shooting off general prayers. Another tough battle is simply with overcoming my self, my flesh, as the Bible puts it. This life is not my own; it's entirely NOT about me in any way. My life is simply for God to use for the exaltation of Jesus Christ. Everything else is secondary or entirely unimportant. I must take up my cross and die each day so that the Holy Spirit can have full control over my life. It's a tough business.
Over the first half of the semester, the foundations have been laid. Now it's time to build upon the Rock and go after what's on God's heart. This is the greatest adventure of all time, and I'm privileged enough to join in with my King. I certainly don't understand it all, but even the fringes of it is glorious. I can't wait to see God move in great and mighty power in my life and in all those around me. It's a continual state of awesomeness (that's for you, Steve).
Some books to check out:
Rees Howells, Intercessor by Norman Grubb - Awesome book about a guy who truly followed the Spirit
C.T. Studd, Cricketer and Pioneer also by Norman Grubb - This guy was God's man, the essence of true manliness. And with a name like Studd, how can you go wrong?
The Cross and the Switchblade by David Wilkerson - Pastor W. is a country preacher who went to the teen gangs of New York, New York, and lives were changed. He's still alive, too. I will warn you, it is very graphic at times, but it is incredible.
The Divine Conquest by A.W. Tozer - I'm only halfway through, and this may be one of my new favorite books. It WILL challenge you. Tozer was a prophet for his generation and ours too.
God's blessings!